Confront Sleep Apnea With Your Own Sleep Medicine Team

Sleep apnea prevents a full night's rest and can lead to serious health problems. Overcome it with our seamless process and expert medical guidance.
Take our free sleep screener
Why take our Sleep Screener?
This short series of questions can estimate your likelihood of having sleep apnea. From there you can decide if you would like to take a home sleep test.
Man playing with his children

Take a Home Sleep Test

A few simple sensors are worn while you sleep in your own bed.


Discuss Your Sleep Data

Talk with a nurse practitioner about your physician-reviewed test results.


Get Personalized Treatment

Our sleep medicine team will ensure you receive expert, individualized care.

Order your sleep test
*Currently available in Florida and North Carolina
Your Complete Sleep Solution
Woman sleeping in bed

Stop Suffering From Sleep Apnea

Every night, 1 in 4 adults stops breathing in their sleep. Get tested and treated for sleep apnea in 90% less time and with zero hidden costs.

At risk for sleep apnea?

Americans suffer from sleep apnea

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of patients who try a night guard say they prefer it to a CPAP machine
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Sleep apnea sufferers are three times more likely to develop heart disease
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Being treated for sleep apnea impacts so much more than your snoring. It changes the way you feel and act — my whole mood has changed.

Jody M.
Read more

I knew there was something wrong, but I'd been to so many doctors at that point and nobody would help me.

Emma C.
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Our Medical Director
Jagdeep Bijwadia, M.D.
Jagdeep Bijwadia, M.D.
Jagdeep Bijwadia, M.D.
Dr. Jagdeep Bijwadia ensures Complete Sleep maintains the highest standard of patient care. He has helped craft our Sleep Screener, backed by his extensive experience in diagnosing and treating sleep apnea from over 25 years of clinical practice.
  • Board-certified Sleep Physician licensed in all 50 states
  • Reviewed 10,000+ patient sleep study results
  • Top doctor by US News & World Report

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Frequently Asked Questions

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder characterized by interruptions in breathing during sleep.

These interruptions occur when the muscles surrounding the throat relax excessively, leading to partial or complete obstruction of the airway. As a result, oxygen levels in the body drop, prompting the brain to briefly awaken in order to restore normal breathing. This cycle can repeat numerous times throughout the night, severely disrupting sleep quality and leading to a range of health issues. From loud snoring and daytime fatigue to an increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, and stroke, untreated OSA can have serious consequences.

Recognizing the symptoms and seeking proper diagnosis and treatment are crucial steps in managing this condition and safeguarding overall health.

OSA can manifest in a lot of different ways, and some symptoms are easier to spot than others.

  • Loud, chronic snoring

  • Gasping for air

  • Daytime fatigue and difficulty concentrating

  • Anxiety and mood changes

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Morning headaches

  • Waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat

Understanding these symptoms can be vital for identifying sleep apnea early. The sooner you get a diagnosis, the faster you can receive treatment, which will reduce the risk of health complications like heart disease and improve your overall quality of life. Don't wait! Take our free sleep screener now to find out more.

Ignoring obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can lead to persistent daytime fatigue, frequent morning headaches, and difficulties with memory and concentration. Beyond these immediate symptoms, untreated OSA has been directly linked to an increased risk of accidents in various settings, including transportation and workplaces. Moreover, extensive research underscores the substantial health risks associated with untreated OSA, including:

  • High blood pressure

  • Congestive heart failure

  • Atrial fibrillation

  • Coronary artery disease

  • Stroke

  • Type 2 diabetes

Addressing OSA promptly through diagnosis and treatment is crucial for mitigating these risks and improving overall health and well-being.

If you're concerned about having a different sleep disorder, such as restless leg syndrome, it's advisable to schedule an appointment with a sleep lab for comprehensive evaluation. However, for diagnosing sleep apnea specifically, home sleep tests are highly accurate and convenient. You can perform these tests from the comfort of your own bed. For more detailed information on the accuracy of home sleep apnea tests compared to lab tests, please refer to "Are Home Sleep Apnea Tests As Good As Lab Tests?".

The Complete Sleep process offers several distinctive advantages compared to traditional methods:

  1. Online Accessibility: Much of the treatment process can be completed online, providing convenience and flexibility. This means you can undergo assessment, testing, diagnosis, and treatment from the comfort of your own home.

  2. Single Point of Contact: Throughout your journey, you'll have a dedicated Sleep Team member as your sole point of contact. This ensures streamlined communication and personalized support at every step.

Here's a brief overview of the Complete Sleep process:

  • Free Sleep Screener: We start with a comprehensive diagnostic quiz that evaluates your risk factors for sleep apnea.

  • Home Sleep Test: If indicated, we'll recommend a home sleep test, which we conveniently mail to you.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Once you've completed the test, your dedicated Sleep Team guides you through understanding your diagnosis and exploring suitable treatment options.

  • Ongoing Support: Even after treatment initiation, we continue to offer support, assisting you in managing your sleep apnea and addressing any challenges that may arise.

By leveraging today's technology and providing dedicated support, Complete Sleep ensures a seamless and effective experience for individuals seeking relief from sleep apnea.

No, the home sleep test device is yours to keep or dispose of as you see fit. However, we recommend keeping it accessible until you've received your diagnosis.

Complete Sleep offers end-to-end support for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), meaning all inquiries regarding your sleep health can be directed to us. Our dedicated team is available to assist you every step of the way.

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at, or call +1 (888) 835-0988, and we'll respond promptly to provide the assistance you need.

Our home sleep test is priced at $175 with zero hidden fees. Shipping and handling are always free. This fee includes:

  • Analysis by a board-certified sleep medicine physician with over 25 years of experience in interpreting sleep studies.

  • Live consultation with a licensed practitioner to discuss your results.

  • Review of treatment options tailored to your lifestyle, situation, and budget.

  • Guidance through the process to help you secure the best treatment option.

Please note that medical devices such as CPAP Machines and Oral Appliance Therapy are not included in the $175 price, should you decide to proceed with treatment.

For the testing and diagnosis phase, we currently accept cash payment for two main reasons:

  • Streamlined Process: Insurance requirements can add unnecessary complexity to this phase of the process. By accepting cash payments, we aim to make testing and diagnosis as quick and straightforward as possible for our clients.

  • Cost and Timing Considerations: While insurance coverage might seem appealing, the out-of-pocket expenses and waiting times associated with navigating insurance processes can often be comparable to paying directly. We prioritize providing efficient service and timely results to our clients.

For the treatment phase, we collaborate with fulfillment providers who accept most major private insurance plans. This allows us to offer flexibility and convenience in accessing treatment options.

Your Sleep Team at Complete Sleep is comprised of a board-certified sleep physician, clinical medical practitioners, and if necessary, a sleep dentist to address your individual needs. Additionally, we have a fantastically responsive customer service team dedicated to patient care, and they will personally oversee you as a member of the Complete Sleep Practice. Each member of your Sleep Team collaborates closely to ensure that your journey is seamless, efficient, and tailored to your specific requirements.

If the idea of using a CPAP machine isn't appealing to you, don't worry. There are alternative treatment options available. Our Sleep Team will collaborate with you to explore various alternatives, such as oral appliance therapy or lifestyle adjustments, to effectively manage your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We understand the importance of finding a treatment that suits your preferences and lifestyle. For more information on treatment options, please refer to our article "A Deep Dive into Oral Appliances".

Complete Sleep stands out by dramatically reducing the number of appointments needed, streamlining the process by up to 90%. We've transitioned your entire experience online and consolidated all aspects of sleep apnea testing and treatment into one convenient platform. With a single point of contact, our dedicated team of experts ensures continuous support throughout your journey - a significant departure from the fragmented experience of navigating the process independently.

No, we don't manufacture any tests or devices. As an independent third-party, we've extensively researched and tested various options available in the market to identify the best ones for you. Our selection criteria prioritize accuracy, convenience, cost-effectiveness, and comfort to ensure you receive the most suitable solution for your needs.